Mar 29, 2020
Ray & Bob hang w/ comedian Rob Rego, this is a few days before the NYC lockdown, discuss the scare of Coronavirus and the toll that it has taken on NYC
follow Rob on Twitter & IG at @wobwego
Mar 23, 2020
Bob & Ray hanging out talking about the Coronavirus scare that has rightfully taken over NYC and how their daily life has been affected by it, and how our President has provided very little comfort, and how many in NYC are not taking the virus serious
Mar 16, 2020
Comedian Matt Maran (host of Comedy Roast Battle at The Stand & Who's on First) joins us and tells us about his days as a professional wrestler in the independent leagues. Barnstorming going town to town throughout middle America, the good and the bad, fun times!
Follow Matt on Twitter & IG at @realMattMaran
Mar 9, 2020
Comedians Napoleon Emill & Janelle Draper hang. While Bob is at sea trying to not get Coronavirus. We talk about how both Napolean & Janelle had to deal w/ creepy teachers that would prey on sexualizing them & their classmates.
follow both Napoleon & Janelle on IG @napoleonemill & @janellejokes
Mar 1, 2020
Kevin Brennan & Alex Engelbert hang w/ Ray & Bob at the Comic Strip in NYC. Alex explains all her beefs she has with other women and Kevin gives her life advice. Plenty of off the rails stories from Alex, as she gets ready to leave NYC and try to find a husband.
you can follow Kevin & Alex on IG & Twitter...